Interdimensional wizard
I have the great pleasure to welcome Ian Moore to Truthjuice Leicester. Ian will be bringing a Tesla coil and other goodies for demonstrations ….
If you are interested in FREE ENERGY, TESLA TECHNOLOGY, RENEWABLE ENERGY, ROBOTICS and the like, this is IT!!!!
Ian has been giving talks, Lectures and Demonstrations for over 30 years. Ian Runs an International Wizard School for children established in 2004, with Parcels sent every month to children around the world The Electronic Wizards Apprenticeship www.kidstuff.co.uk
In recent years Ian has moved on from simply promoting Sustainable Societies and Renewable energies.
Ian runs workshops on a philosophy he calls ”Thexia’ which mean SOUL- OUT, the philosophy includes methods of mind and soul expansion with clear understandings that give a stable and disentangled perspective on a confused world.
Ian’s primary work is in bringing in the new Civilisation and a rapid increase in Telepathy,Remote viewing, funamental ability and delightful perspectives…
The Motto of Thexia is ”This time we made it’
Ian also Researches and demonstrates Tesla energy, extraordinary devices and other toys that any Interdimensional Wizard should have.