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Truthjuice Gathering in Leicester on 22/08/13

Truth Juice Poster final

The 2013 Truthjuice Gathering will be from Thursday 22nd August 2013 – Monday 26th August 2013 at the Stonehenge campsite.

Confirmed Speakers:
John Harris
Santos Bonacci
Troy Mclachlan
Maria Wheatley
Neil Sanders
John Byde
Yannick van Doorne
Lucy Wyatt
Dave Murphy
Lawrence Main
Nick Marchmont
Gary Biltcliffe
TruthJuice Dave
Rob Buckle
Philip Weeks
Gary Evans
Roger Walker
+ more TBC

Home Grown Talkers:
Also come and see the selection of lovingly nurtured homegrown speakers. These guys are regulars at TruthJuice who felt they needed to do more and than just watch. They offer their own unique views from a ground up perspective. Make no mistake, these boys pack just as big a punch as the more famous speakers …all organically grown of course!

Open Mic Night:
What better way to break the ice and introduce yourself. If you would like to have your say on open mic night, please let us know, so we can try to get everyone in who has something to say.
Please show your interest by contacting us at truthjuice.gathering@truthjuice.co.uk (labelling the subject as open mic) say that you would be interested in speaking on open mic night …have your say!

TruthJuice Crop Circle and Megalithic Site Tour:
Meet local authors and dowsing experts and experience hidden earth energies, ley lines and mysteries of-
Durrington Walls
The long lost Healing Temple
The Cursus Barrows – where time slips have been reported
Crop circles (if in locality)

Maria Wheatley has very kindly offered to run these early evening tours from 5:30 on Saturday/Sunday, should we receive enough interest. Please register your interest with truthjuice.gathering@truthjuice.co.uk so that we can gauge numbers Cost – £5.00 per person on the day

All food for meal tickets is being provided by Change Kitchen All food will be veggie, there will be a vegan and a gluten free option each day. There will be Food Tickets available priced at:
£31 for Breakfast and Dinner (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) – 6 Meals inclusive
£46 for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) – 9 meals inclusive
Menu TBC nearer the date


Permanent link to this article: https://leicester.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/05/truthjuice-gathering-in-leicester-on-220813-2/