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Ian R Crane, Fracking awareness and current events in Leicester on 20/09/17

Ian R Crane, Fracking awareness and current events
‘Over the past 15yrs, Ian R Crane, a former oilfield executive, has established a reputation for insightful geopoltical and historical analysis ….
Many of Ian’s presentations are freely available to view on the Ian R Crane YouTube Channel. However, for the past FIVE YEARS Ian has focused primarily on his Fracking Awareness Campaign.
The burgeoning UK anti-fracking community has contributed significantly to the fact that the Country has remained ‘Frack Free’ since spring 2011!
However, this quest has not been without much drama and personal cost, with one of the Fracking Companies, Rathlin Energy, pursuing Ian through the Bankruptcy Courts for over two years! Ian’s persistence in presenting himself as the ‘Administrator of his Cestui Qui Vie Trust’, denying the Courts joinder to his legal fiction, led to a the Bankruptcy Order being ‘Buried’ by the Establishment. In the spring of 2015, Ian released his first documentary, ‘Voices from the Gasfields’, which portrays the experiences of landowners who now live in the heart of the Gasfields of Southern Queensland, Australia.
Ian is the also the host of ‘HUMANITY vs INSANITY’ & ‘FRACKING NIGHTMARE’ both of which are broadcast on and can be viewed on YouTube.
Ian is also the founder of the ‘Alternative View’ Conferences, all the presentations up to and including those recorded at AV7, are freely available on the Alternative View YouTube Channel.’
Doors open at 7pm talk starts at 8pm. £8 on the Door £5 concessions. Truthjuice is a non-profit organisation, all door proceeds to towards putting on new events.
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