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Nick Clements – The Four Genders in Leicester on 25/10/17

Nick Clements – The Four Genders
If the forthcoming revolution is to be of any value, it will imbue change into every aspect of our lives. Not just fuel, capitalism, green issues, but also our sexuality and gender.
To make real progress, we have to open ourselves to radical new possibilities, and not let the old fixed mind-set hinder progress and change. In the field of gender we are still very regimented, despite our pretentions of liberation and open-mindedness.
We have a simplistic system of two genders, men and women, and this leaves a lot of people in-between. You’ll be glad to know there are more inclusive and relevant alternatives, one of which is the ‘four genders’. The four genders concept is deeply rooted in our collective psyche, it can be traced across every continent, and is a fundamental belief system.
Nick has worked with men’s issues for over 30 years, and is now bringing this extensive knowledge to link with feminism and the empowerment of us all.
Doors open at 7pm Talk starts at 8pm
£5 on the door £3 concessions
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