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The Template – Ceremony of Original Innocence in Leicester on 07/04/12

The Ceremony of Original Innocence
reconnecting humans to the elemental heart of creation

A Template Ceremony
Saturday 7th April, 9.30 for 10am to 5.30 pm
The Music Cafe, 23 New Park Street, Leicester, LE3 5NH
The day will include a light lunch and refreshments.
For voluntary donations (Suggested donations £25)
for more info call Muriel on 01455 640629
or email murielmorgan1706@gmail.com

Ceremony is a seed – Plant It
facilitated by NickM and Rhian Ybryn
using the work of Juliet and Jiva Carter

The Ceremony of Original Innocence: reconnecting humans to the elemental heart of creation.  The Ceremony of Original Innocence is simply a beautiful way to a new beginning, just as the first of many drops of rain began the oceans.
The Ceremony reconnects 12 circuits of electromagnetic energy into the human bio-system, permanently.  This revitalises our links with elemental world.
In the accompanying workshop muscle-testing is used to show each individual that where there was once weakness there is renewed strength.

Also during the day
– A comprehensive guide to the nature, function and location of each circuit,
and to its disconnection and reconnection
– Demonstrations, using muscle-testing, of the relationships between the circuits, the body
and the classical elements; earth, air, fire, water and ether
– Detailed information, by turns comforting and disturbing, concerning
the state of the human as an individual and humanity as a race
– A short explanatory investigation of the current state of physical science
and the modern understanding of our own essentially energetic structure

Pre-booking necessary as numbers are limited!  Please e-mail murielmorgan1706@gmail to confirm your booking


Permanent link to this article: https://leicester.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/02/the-template-ceremony-of-original-innocence-in-leicester-on-070412/