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Andrew Johnson in Leicester on 11/06/12

The Earth – But Not as We Know It 

In this presentation we will examine the evidence that lead some to conclude the earth is hollow.  What can we learn from various geological and geo-science anomalies? Is there a possibility that our world is hollow?  We will look at some scientific evidence and we will also look at some of the incredible accounts from people such as Olaf Jansen and others.  Did Admiral Richard Byrd find “another land” on his polar expeditions? Did either of them find “Giants in the Earth?”

Others such as Neal Adams have also studied quite obvious anomalies which seem to prove that the earth has expanded in the past and is still growing, slowly, in size today.  What can this teach us about the physical nature of the planet we all live on. Has Mainstream Science “cheated on us” again?

We will try to navigate between the channel of disinformation and find the truth – on a journey through time and inner space


Andrew Johnson – Trying to check the evidence!

Andrew Johnson grew up in Yorkshire, England and graduated from Lancaster University in 1986 with a degree in Computer Science and Physics. He has mainly worked in Software Engineering and Software Development, for most of  the last 20 years. He has also worked full and part time in lecturing and tutoring (in Adult Education). Now he works for the Open University (part time) tutoring and assessing students, whilst occasionally working freelance on various small software development projects.

He became interested in “alternative knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. He has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorities to address some of the most compelling data that is available.

His website is:  www.checktheevidence.com

Permanent link to this article: https://leicester.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/05/andrew-johnson-in-leicester-on-110612/