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Andrew Johnson in Leicester on 03/12/13


Andrew Johnson grew up in Yorkshire, England and graduated from Lancaster University in 1986 with a degree in Computer Science and Physics. He has mainly worked in Software Engineering and Software Development, for most of the last 20 years. He has also worked full and part time in lecturing and tutoring (in Adult Education). Now he works for the Open University (part time) tutoring and assessing students, whilst occasionally working freelance on various small software development projects.

He became interested in “alternative knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. He has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and Anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorities to address some of the most compelling data that is available. His website is www.checktheevidence.com.


In this presentation, we will look at the evidence which suggests that the Apollo “Moonshot” Programme, as presented to the public, could not have landed men
on the moon. We will try to consider a wide range of evidence such as some of the background to the Apollo programme and a review of some aspects of the Apollo technology. We will hear what some of the astronauts themselves have said in relation the moon landings – including statements by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Alrdin. We will look at a range of photographic evidence and anomalies, along with a review of LRO photos claiming to show “Apollo relics” on the moon. We will then consider
who might have been involved with producing the fake films that appear to have been used and why the programme was faked, to a large extent.




Permanent link to this article: https://leicester.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2013/10/andrew-johnson-in-leicester-on-031213/